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Sunday, July 4, 2021

Motivation is key

A nice thing my language teacher does, is handing out little motivating prizes. If you do your homework, win a game or give an extra presentation, you receive points, and they are added up each semester. I don't always manage to to the homework on time, as I normally manage to do it during the classes but once or twice I even won something 🥰

Sometimes we also do Kahoot games, and yay, here is some proof I don't always lose 😅

Of course, it's more fun to play games like "Herzinfarkt" (Heart Attack) in a live classroom setting. In this game, you look for matching cards at the others' tables and you are supposed to say the name of the classmate out loud if you know who has it. To make it more interesting, everyone has a different name for the duration of the game, e.g. the name fruit or colour... Fun times and memories!

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