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Sunday, March 12, 2017

Are you using Clozemaster yet?

Recently, I heard about mass sentence learning as a very effective method for learning languages. So I researched the internet and found CLOZEMASTER. Highly recommend it!!
What is Clozemaster about? It's simple, you just fill in the blank in a sentence, either by multiple choice or by typing in - which yields twice the points you can get. The first time you see a sentence and get it right, 4 pts are your reward (double, if you type in), 4 pts more the second time, so the maximum achievable pts are 16 (32).

You can play CLOZEMASTER online, even without signing up, or via the app. Of course it makes sense to sign up because then the algorithm remembers the sentences you played, instead of showing the same sentences again in a random order.
If you adhere to the paid Pro plan, you can customize the frequency of the sentences being shown to you, and it also includes Cloze-listening for all sentences, which means the sentences are read out to you.
What I love about Clozemaster is that it offers many language pairs, e.g. you can play Mandarin from English, Russian from Spanish, and Portuguese from Italian and so on. Of course, the broadest variety can be found starting from English but you can request a language pair you are missing.
If you love learning languages and have at least some basic knowledge in one, give CLOZEMASTER a try!

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